Trip themes Local encounter with the
Bedouins in the Wadi Rum desert
Een ontmoeting met de ziel van het Bedoeïenenleven, een van de inheemse volken op de wereld. Tijdens iedere reis of excursie zijn er ontmoetingen met de lokale Bedoeïenen van Jordanië! Alle medewerkers tijdens de tours zijn Bedoeïenen, de meesten van hen opgegroeid in de woestijn, in een tent geweven van geitenhaar. De vrouwen blijven meestal buiten beeld omdat zij de belangrijke taak hebben om voor de kinderen te zorgen en hen buiten schooltijd te onderwijzen. Tijdens de workshops en excursie naar een Bedoeïenenfamilie zul je hen meestal wel aantreffen.
You seek local encounters with the Bedouins in Jordan because you:
- Have a genuine interest in their life
- Want to know what it’s like to be raised in the desert
- Curious how natural people live in modern times
- Like to exchange knowledge with the Bedouin
- Want to see for yourself how life in a Bedouin tent goes
- Want to know what moves people who still choose to live as nomads in the desert
- You want to imagine what it is like to live with the animals day and night
A Bedouin life in and with nature and the animals
Often we have a very romantic image of Bedouins who roam like nomads and live in a tent. It is hard to realize that it is a tough life in the desert with all animals. You are only a real Bedouin if you can brave rain and storms. Or if the sun has an almost all-burning heat in summer and the bleak wind freezes to the bone in winter. Never mind the regular sandstorms that push the sand into every hole and crevice.
Of course there are also wonderful moments to feel free, like when the animals have their babies. Although you also come into contact with illness and death or with too little food for the animals because there is drought. It is a wonderful life when the sun spreads its heat over the desert, it is not too hot and the wind is not disturbing. Sometimes it is a hard life because you come into contact with the natural violence of a storm, the floods of the heavy rain that transform entire plains into swirling rivers in no time.
This is a life with and in nature, with the animals living in the black tents woven from goat hair, somewhere far away in the desert.